Gotya is an Indian serial that premiered in 1989 on Doordarshan. It is a Marathi language serial that focuses on the life of a child named Gotya. The storyline introduces Gotya as he visits his grandmother’s house after his parents died. Gotya was left alone after his parents passed away, and thus, his neighbors sent him to his grandmother’s place. The grandmother is happy to see Gotya and gets teary eyes. She is worried of Gotya’s upbringing and offers him to stay with his aunt and uncle. As the story is set in a small village, the financial condition of the villagers isn’t stable. Gotya’s aunt dislikes the idea of an additional member living in their home. The aunt dominates and doesn’t provide Gotya with food until he does the house chores. Gotya is a wise and mischievous child, he wants to study and go to school. However, due to an unstable financial situation at home; he isn’t able to join school. Later, because Gotya had an additional mouth to feed and had caused trouble, his aunt decided to send him somewhere else.
On the pretext of attending school, Gotya was sent to a hotel to work and earn money for aunt and uncle. Gotya felt betrayed after understanding the intention of his aunt. He began working and soon charmed the hotel’s owner with his wit and intelligent actions. However, other kids who worked at the hotel disliked Gotya for being smart. They bullied him and harassed him as he was the youngest. What will happen next? Watch the serial to find out. Gotya is a drama serial. It was written by Vasant Sabnis Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and directed by Rajdutt. The lead cast of the serial includes Joy Ghanekar as Gotya. Gotya is available on YouTube.