Suparna Sreedhar is a Malayalam singer. She has sung many popular songs, and one such song of hers is Mounasarovaramake Muarnna from the movie Savidham. The film's plot revolves around a music director who gets mesmerized by the singing abilities of the female protagonist, which thus makes her a celebrity. But the future revelations of the protagonist have gloom effects...
Shruthy Menon is an Indian thespian, TV host, Expert Chief of ceremonials and model. Shruthy Menon was born on 21st November 1984. She is presently the announcer for Sonu Nigam's performances internationally as well as the display Ugram Ujwalam. In 2015, a topless photoshoot for a wedding publication led to a dispute in conformist India. The controversy of the photoshoot...
Udayan Ambady is a cinematographer who has worked in the Mollywood entertainment industry. He was born in Kerala, India. And currently stays in Kochi, Kerala. His wife's name is Sona Nair, an actress in the Malayalam cinema. His significant works as a cinematographer are the Matchbox, Ottamandaram, and English: An autumn in London. English: An autumn in London's story revolves around Malayalees living...
Alfred Eby Issac is a well-known Mollywood playback singer. He has sung many popular songs from well-known albums. One such song is Roshmon from the movie solo. It's a movie about four people, and their stories revolve around the four elements of the earth, fire, wind and water. And Roshmon is one such song from the world of Rudra (the affair),...
Sujith Lal is an aspiring playback and classical singer in the Malayalam film industry. He is widely known for singing the 2015 song, Harisree Ezhuthumbol, composed by Ranjith Gandharva in the album Pottamma. He is from Kerala and has been working as a playback singer since 2015. He participated in a singing reality show and aspired to become a playback...
Stephen Devassy is a music artist who started from the city of Palakkad in Kerala. He began his professional career when he was so young and has performed in front of an audience around the globe. He additionally holds the record for being the most astounding Asian scorer in Piano exams from the Trinity College of Music. He was born...
Alphons Joseph is an Indian playback singer and music composer. The movie Vellithira was a turning point in his music career. The song Aaromale from the Tamil movie Vinnaithandi Varuvaaya (composed by A R Rehman) was sung by Alphons, and he got an appreciation for singing that song.Â
Alphons entered the film industry with the help of his friend Leo Thadavus,...
Deepak Devraj Komath is the original name of Deepak Dev, an Indian music director. He has composed songs predominantly in Malayalam cinema. His music is flawless in terms of sound quality. His music has a distinct quality in it and this has created a new trend in Mollywood. Deepak has several superhit songs to his credit....
M Jayachandran is an Indian musician, music composer, and singer; he works in Malayalam Film Industry. Jayachandran was born on 5th April 1971 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. His parents are Madhusudhanan Nair and Sukumari Amma. He took his Electrical Engineering degree from TKM College of Engineering. On 12th November 1995, he got married to Priya. At the age of 5, he...