Shubharambham is a lifestyle and spiritual television show in Malayalam Language. Shubharambham airs on premier Malayalam entertainment television channel Surya TV every weekdays from Monday through Friday from 8:00 am onwards in the morning as per Indian Standard Time (IST). The show runs for an approximate 30 minutes including the commercials and enjoys quite popularity and liking among its audiences. Shubharambham, as the name itself states means a fresh and blessed start which is what this show tries to provide its viewers. The show is an astrological and spiritual show which features renowned astrologers who discusses in details the daily, monthly and annual horoscopes for all the sun signs in general and also in a customized and personalized way. It also provides the platform for the audiences to direct interact with the featured astrologers through letters and real time phone calls where the audiences comes up with their problems and the astrologers determine their sunsigns , moonsigns and also prepare their Kundali and offers astrological solutions to their problems. Apart from this interaction session-in each and every episode, a new astrological topic is discussed by the host and the astrologer to enhance and enlighten the audience’s knowledge base on the concerned area.