E Lokam is a Malayalam television show which airs on Darshana TV Channel. It is a special weekend sitcom. It airs on Saturday at different time slots in the evening and morning, on the channel's schedule. The show conducts a repeat telecast of the original episode which aired the previous day on Sunday and Monday. It is a program dealing exclusively with blogs and bloggers. Those who write on different topics, like trendy, social, motivational, technical, cultural, etc. interact with the host of the show. He does an interactive talk with them. He also talks to the audience by explaining them the current blogs. It is basically a talk show which deals with general issues.
They discuss social, political, psychological, and general knowledge related blogs. The write-ups can be picked from people living in rural as well as urban areas. People are also encouraged to be more involved with the host and experts in the show. It also actively incorporates the social media to add a touch of modernism to the show. The show starts with the host addressing the television audience about the person they will be discussing about. He or she then shows his written material and information out to the viewers. He or she then mentions incidents or stories that will have an impact on the thought processes of the people.
After this, the host and an expert are called to analyze and interact with the television audience, asking questions and discussing pros and cons, to do and not to do. The show is set up in a studio and gives an appearance of a news channel. But it is actually a talk show or a discussion arena. The topics chosen vary from current affairs to other issues of importance or simply the trendy blogs are shown. It is a good talk and discussion panel because of its various benefits. It also shows funny home videos, intelligent videos and other entertainment related gags and reels.
It has been running since 2012 and was broadcasted till 2015. Every episode has a varying run time. It could be 16 to 18 minutes or even 24 to 25 minutes. The show is quite a popular one. Catch this show on Darshana TV Channel for further updates. You can also catch it on the online portal of the media channel. It is a good watch for different kinds of audience.