Swaanng is a mystery thriller Hindi drama series that premiered on the OTT platform Hungama Play. The show features a quiet hill town, as two teenage slum-dwelling girls discover an abandoned DSLR. A young, passionate journalist visits the same town looking for his missing girlfriend. Their lives converge in unimaginable ways as a series of abductions shake up, the quaint hamlet hinting at the presence of a vicious serial murderer who's targeting poor, vulnerable teenagers. With this intense setting, the show aims to give goosebumps with its unique storyline.Â
The show begins on the note where Muskan and Dimple find a deserted camera. At the same time, a young journalist, Sayan arrives in the same hilly town looking for his missing girlfriend. In the second episode, Priti struggles to keep the funding going for the girl's shelter home while Sayan does not get cooperation from the police and decides to take matters into his own hands. The third episode features an ugly crime that shakes up the police force and the community of the quaint hamlet. Soon, a cold competitive tension develops between Muskan and Dimple regarding Bichoo and about being Manohar's favorite.
The police join hands with Sayan to find the culprit behind serial abductions and murders. Manohar chooses Dimple for his talent program but she gets distracted with snooping around leading to dangerous consequences. A few episodes in, The DSLR footage becomes an essential clue in the police investigation. Sayan and the police force finally discover exactly what happened to Tania. Bicchoo and Muskan become instrumental in helping the police in a blood-curdling climax where they almost arrest the criminal. An important clue from the camera footage helps the investigation of missing girls. By the end, a cat-and-mouse chase leads finally leads them to the actual mastermind. Who is the criminal? The last episode deals with that.Â