Bachelors Vs the World is a 2022 Hindi web series aired on the popular YouTube channel- The Viral Fever. The show is a series of comedic instances in the lives of young bachelors. Their problems and solutions all occur in the span of five episodes. It Casts Shivankit Singh Parihar, Arun Kushwah Arun Kushwah, popularly known as Chote Miya, was b >> Read More... , Badri Chavan Badri Chavan is an Indian actor. He is famous for >> Read More... , Jasmeet Singh Bhatia Jasmeet Singh Bhatia is an Indian actor. He is als >> Read More... , and Aashish Dubey in the lead roles. The storyline revolves around the bachelors living in a hostel. The drama, romance, and fights are presented in the episodes. Episode 1- Bachelors Vs The Games premiered on March 3, 2022.
In the story, Khelji, a bachelor who is the best gamer in his block, tries to cheat and claim ‘Pswati.’ It’s funny how these boys fight on such petty things, and that too so passionately! There is also an episode that features infidelity among the youngsters. In the second episode, Arun sees Shiv’s girlfriend Tabbi cheating on him with his other friend, Badri. The final episodes present Badri’s thirst to take Mirza’s position in the hostel. The last episode aired on March 29, 2022.Â