Sanam Hotline is an Indian web series. It premiered on the Hungama Play platform. The series aired in the year 2020-21. The series premiered in the Marathi language. Sanam Hotline has released four episodes in total. The story revolves around three friends, Ishan, Shivani, and Abhijeet. These three people recently lost their jobs. They decided to establish a venture together. The first episode of the series presents the establishment of their venture. They started Sanam Hotline, a place where people come and chat about their inner desires. People come and have hot and sexy chats on their platforms. The friends began this startup with the hope of getting quick money. As the episodes continue, the viewers witness the personal bonds between the friends. After their business took off, problems between Ishan and Shivani began to arise.
Suddenly, Ishan started ignoring Shivani, which created more problems between them. The story introduces a new twist when a bag full of cash appears at their place. The mysterious bag added more trouble to their business. Then, the police get involved in the story. They visit Ishaan and Abhijeet’s house to find out about the money. The police suspect their business to be a cover-up story for an extortion racket. The story revolves around how the business started in fun and unknowingly becomes a matter of crime. The series presents unexpected twists and turns. Watch the Sanam hotline on Hungama Play to learn how they save themselves from the charges and accuses.