Nyay Manch is a show that was broadcasted by the Doordarshan channel in order to make the general public aware of the laws. Experts come and discuss the law and act. Anoop khajuria hosts the first episode of the Nyay Manch which is a discussion about the property rights and laws made for it. The general public has to tackle with the builders in order to get their property but end up just taking the rounds of court. Regarding this unregulated law, on 5th June 2013, the government introduced the draft of real estate bill. Once the bill is passed whole nation will follow it.
The episode shows what is in the bill. Vijay Trivedi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... the vice president of Noida extension movement, Nitin Saxena a consumer activist and Maneesh Chhibber a reporter from the Indian expressway are welcomed as a guest speaker to discuss the topic. They discuss on how the private builders of the Noida extension cheated the buyers which led to the emergence of the draft of the bill. The guests are in doubt that if the bill will ever come to existence and if it does there will be manipulations and buyers will still be at loss. They tell what will be the power common men will have once there is a regulatory rule for the real estate.
The second episode is to discuss the rules made for animals. Ambika Shukla Ambika Shukla is a Hindi television actress and mo >> Read More... from People for animal movement and former member of animal welfare board, Hrimnay Kalekar are welcomed to the show to talk about the laws made for the animals. Article 51 that says that all citizens should look after animals and the 1960 prevention of cruelty to animals says that cruelty is illegal. They talk about the insensitivity of people towards the animals. They even discuss how the urban cities have made rules against the country’s law making people to shoo away dogs which are not at all right. They discuss how urbanization has lead to a lack of forest leading for them to freely roam in cities. They tell us that we can inform the police if we see any cruelty is being done to the animals. You can keep animals after taking a license.
Mr. T. R. Kukreja an advocate from the Delhi high court is called on to discuss on consequences if animals hurt the humans. The owner of the animal is responsible for the act of the animal. Law for child right is next discussed on the show. There is a report shown on a case that happened in Haryana whereby a little girl named Mahi died due to insufficient oxygen when she fell in a hole and was stuck there for 36 hours. Senior advocate M.L Lahoty and NGO worker Ravikanth are the guest speakers. In 2010 the Supreme Court gave the instructions that magistrates can pass the law if it is regarding small children but these instructions were not followed. There are so many laws made for the children but when it comes to applying them none of it has succeeded. Not only are the holes but there issues related to education laws, fire system laws in school. These according to Ravi Kanth Bio coming soon... >> Read More... are because the Child protection laws are not kept as priorities as the laws made regarding these issues are not implemented.
Vinod Kumar Tikoo a member of National Commission for the protection of children rights is called on the show. He is asked what he does when cases like Mahi’s come across him. He tells how the acts that were issued in 2010 were gone through and concerned people were questioned. He tells that children have their own rights and being good to them are not charity but their rights. The increase in crimes is discussed in the show and how the crime against women is increasing more than any other crimes. Maneesh Chibber is again on the show discussing how the increase of population in the city is causing the increase in crime rate more in the cities. Dr. Deepak Raheja is another guest on the show who talks about the role of victim of rape and impulsive crime. The society, the family and the environment of criminal play the main role in their mindset for performing an impulsive crime. Till the penal code of the country becomes strong the crimes will be kept on going without the victim getting any justice.
Advocate S.M Mittal and K. C Mittal are called next on the show to discuss what is wrong with the system. They too think that it’s the environment that a child grows in that makes him or her criminal in future. The shows go on discussing all the possible laws they can on the show making the concerned with the area come to the show and explain them in layman's term. Not only does the discussion of problem and laws that are made for them are showed but also if possible solution and how the general public should be aware of what is told in the show.