Hindi Tv Show Healthy Wealthy

Healthy Wealthy Hindi tv-shows on DOORDARSHAN
3.50 / 5.00
3.17 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

This is a lifestyle TV show, telecast every Thursday,8:30 am on DD National. This show is a Doordrishti Production, hosted by Anju Nirwan Anju Nirwan is a defense journalist, producer, anc >> Read More... . This show emphasizes on the amelioration of our everyday life by presenting different sections on yoga, workout exercises, the guidance of the medical practitioner, and dietician. By watching this show viewers will be able to keep themselves physically, mentally and psychologically fit. This show is an awareness program for acknowledgment of different medical and psychological techniques such as meditation, allopathy, homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, and physical workout. This show comprises five sections namely Yoga, Fitness, Health Expert, Healthy Food, and Sawal-Jawab. Each segment plays a crucial role to make this show fabulous.

In section Yoga, they mainly focus on straightforward Yoga Position, which you can at home. The yoga is a type of exercise which is performed using various physical postures and practiced for relaxation. This section of the show contains a demonstration of yoga position under the guidance of yoga experts. By this section, show propagates a message that is yoga is for making ourselves physically and mentally strong, and this can protect and cure of many diseases. This section is meant for inspiring people for the yoga and enlightening them with different yoga postures.

In this segment experts talk about both breathing exercises or ‘pranayama’ and meditation exercises or ‘dhyana’. Each yoga position contains unique values which are beautifully described by these yoga experts. In the section Fitness, they described different workout and mat exercises for the various portion of our body and specialized for a particular gender. Also in this section, they demonstrate these exercises under the administration of gym experts. These experts tell us all information corresponding to a particular exercise, such as whether this exercise is designed for male or female, what is the correct way for doing this exercise, for which age group this is well suited, etc.

The section Health Expert encompasses a significant talk with the medical practitioner. This expert advice about symptoms, Protection, cure and of different diseases. They also provide home remedies for so many diseases, if they exist. In the next section, an expert dietician counseling discussed about a balanced diet and benefit of any particular fruits and vegetables. In the last section of the show Sawal-Jawab, the queries asked by viewers are answered by doctors, surgeon, yoga experts as per the requirement of the question. Viewers can also keep their suggestion for making the show better.



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