Young Jourknows was a news programme with a difference that aired on Sahara One. The show was created by Iceplex TV and depicted young children and teenagers collecting, reacting and expressing their views and opinions on the news and events around us from their point of view. The show was presented by
Swini Khara
, the famous youth icon known for her role in the bollywood film
Cheeni Kum
and Chaitali, who was also a known TV personality for her roles in serials like Baa, bahu aur baby. The show also had Avika Gour and
Avinash Mukherjee
already very well known for the famous serial Balika Vadhu as guests in the show. The show had its uniqueness in two ways- on the one hand, the viewers got news from a point of view which was entirely different form the way the news channels are presenting the breaking news round the clock in almost all the news channels and on the other hand, the children and the teenagers got a global platform for having experience in news reading and presenting them from their own point of view. Everything concerning the show like, researching, writing, shooting and anchoring with all other activities of the show were done by children and teenagers. Thus it was a blow of fresh air coming from the youth of our country. The show was very popular with the younger generation of the viewers.
The show was telecast on Sahara One TV on 13th February 2011 and ran through many episodes.