Super Sisters – Chalega Pyar Ka Jaadu is a Hindi serial broadcast on the Sony Sab channel. This serial’s story is set in the small village of Sohnapur in Haryana. The story revolves around the Tiwari sisters, Shivani being the elder one, Siddhi the younger sister. Siddhi is a fighter who can beat any man if he teases her sister. Siddhi is very protective of her elder sister. While the elder sister, Shivani, is a teacher who can play the harmonium and heal any wound. Siddhi is a player who just played games during her childhood, while Shivani is a studious girl who has great knowledge. Shivani made a man realize the harmful effects of cigarettes by making his kids enact a play. Shivani has already made 180 people leave cigarettes. The village head comes to the sisters' home to arrange funds for the school village by writing letters. Shivani believes that Ashmit Oberoi, from the Oberoi corporation, will donate. The whole of the village is dependant on Shivani’s letter writing skills for education-related matters. Ashmit had studied abroad and does charitable in India. He is claimed to be the highest donor from Indian’s top businessmen. He has difficulty is speaking Hindi, and understanding this language. Siddhi warns her sister that she might end up giving her heart to Ashmit Oberoi. The sisters also have an uncle. He has magical powers and can transform things, but he has kept his powers, a secret from his nieces. Shivani also some magical powers and her uncle plan on telling her this secret.
Ashmit decides to give 5 lakh instead of asked 1 lakh as a donation. He wants to go himself to this village and donate. The whole village prepares for Ashmit’s arrival. Meanwhile, a girl named Isha is being prepared by her mother, Mini, to seduce Ashmit. Shivani’s uncle reveals to him about his group of people who have special powers. He also tells her about the evil magical society that is attacking him. He wants to leave this place and relocate to her maternal uncle and aunt’s place. Ashmit has started liking Shivani. Shivani also starts seeing Ashmit everywhere and claims to be in love with Ashmit. Now coincidently, Shivani and Siddhi’s maternal aunt is non-other than Mini. Mini and her daughter are busy impressing Ashmit and they plan to keep Shivani a secret from him. Shivani applies for a job and gets it.