Krishnadasi is an Indian fiction daily soap, which premiered on January 25, 2016, and telecast on Colors TV. It is a Hindi dub of the serial Krishna Tamil, which telecasted on SUN TV and the timing of Hindi serial Krishnadasi is Monday To Friday 10:00 PM. The series lead character Sana Amin Sheikh Sana Amin Sheikh born on August 10, 1989 is an In >> Read More... and Shravan Reddy Shravan Reddy, 26 years old, born in Hyderabad, In >> Read More... . Krishnadasi directed by MuktaDhond and produced by Vipul D Shah and KuttyPadmini. The story revolves around the young girl life, Aradhya (Sana Amin Sheikh), She is the daughter of Tulsi ( Indira Krishnan Indira Krishnan is an Indian television actress an >> Read More... ) a Devadasi. Basically, It is love story Aradhya belongs to Devadasi family, while Aryan ( Shravan Reddy) belongs to a higher family, Both families are the enemy of each other due to bitter hidden past and superstitious customs.
The story begins with Kumudini (Grandmother of Aradhya), she was devadasi of the Krishnavati village and her daughter Tulsi also a Devdasi. Devdasi is treated as the butler. Pradhyumna Vidhyadhar Rao (Grandfather of Aryan) is head of the village, Tulsi and her mother used to be devadasi of his family. He always insults Kumudini as well as her daughter. Aryan and Aradhya are studying Pune in the same college and not aware of the past of their parents. Aryan and Ardhya fall in love each other, and they both come to their home in the weekend. Aradhya stops a lady from becoming Devadasi, That’s why Aryan’s Grandfather tries to kill her, and Aryan saves Ardhya from his family. Aradhya wants to know the truth of custom of her village then she finds it out from her mother and grandmother is also a Devdasi.
Tulsi sent her back to Pune for study, but she denies and stays in Krishnavati. Gayatri (family friend of Aryan) told him about Aradhya’s family. Aryan and Aradhya know about their family rivalry and past, it creates misunderstanding and distances between them. Aradhya takes up the initiative to make him understand the truth about the families and her success lies there. Aryan family tries to make Aradhya as Devdasi, but fortunately Aryan saves her, and accidently both get married.
 They both don’t follow the relationship and after a lot of drama of both families one day finally Aryan Confess about his love to Aradhya. Aryan and Aradhya decide to marry each other with ritual and custom in front of society and family. On the day of wedding Aryan’s father get a heart attack and him convinced to Aryan to marry another girl instead of Aradhya and he become agree. Kumudini put false allegation on Aryan that he raped Ardhya, and blackmail to Aryan family for marrying Aradhya,
They agree with her, and finally they both get married, but both are not happy with each other. Purva hurt Aradhya, and she gets injured badly, she needs blood and Purva gave blood to one condition to marry Aryan, Then Aryan marry her. Ardhya and Aryan find out the truth of all these dramas and solves the distances between the families. Eventually, they succeed in the end.