“Char Choughi” was a daily serial aired on Star Pravah. Star Pravah is a Marathi general entertainment channel. Star Pravah was launched in the year 2008. The soap opera, “Char Choughi” was telecasted between the years 2009 to 2011. “Char Choughi” is the story which depicts the sacrifices of women to look after the family. The struggles confronted by women are illustrated in the series through the story of four sisters. Char Choughi is the tale of four sisters named Iravati, Gargi, Devika, and Bilwa. Their father was a businessman. After the death of the girls’ parents, the fate of the girls changes.
Iravati, being the eldest of all, takes up the responsibility of the business and her sisters. She looks after the business activities on one hand, and takes care of her family on the other. Yashwant Sarnaik is a very successful business tycoon. He has two sons, Shantanu Sarnaik and Akshay Sarnaik. Devika is offered to work in the position of secretary for Yashwant. In the due course of time, she meets his son, Akshay. She falls in love with him and they decide to get married. But, Iravati is completely against the plans of Devika. The reason for her denial is Shantanu, the elder son of Yashwant Sarnaik.
In the past, Shantanu and Gargi had an affair which turned out to be tragic. Shantanu dumped Gargi and later he was forced to marry another girl. The destiny played a different game. The girl succumbs to cancer and she passes away. Iravati, who was disheartened by the heartbreak of her sister Gargi, hates Yashwant’s family. She doesn’t want her sister Devika to go through the same again and she warns her to stay away from Akshay. Despite all these hassles, Akshay and Devika, somehow manage their struggles and get married. Devika, then tries to fix everything right and resolves to solve the issues.
She even gets her sister, Gargi married to her brother-in-law Shantanu. The series rightly features the life of women, who, despite all the adversities and conflicts, struggle for the welfare of their family. Rucha Hasabnis Rucha Hasabnis is a popular and much liked face by >> Read More... played the lead role, Devika in the series. It was her debut in the television career. Bhushan Pradhan This Marathi TV and film actor was born in Mumbai, >> Read More... played the role of Akshay. He also started his television career with Char Choughi. He is a famous Marathi TV actor and he also appeared in few Marathi films like Satrangi Re, and Miss Match.