Bhaage Re Mann is the first serial on the Soap Opera Genre in the History of the Indian Television. The event has telecasted by the Hindi Channel, Zindagi Television channel. The story is written by Mitu and co-produced by Zindagi TV Productions and Positive Thinkerz Network. This event has been running for two seasons successfully. The sequential begins with a melodious theme song ‘Khushboo Jaise Fizaon Mein.’
Karuna Pandey picks up the role as Padmini in this term. The entire premier has been devised to be revolving around her. She happens to be a model prototype for 39 long years; she has tied herself to typecast and societal customs. She knows the trick of making people work. She has owned a very kind heart filled with sympathy and love towards all. She later feels that the time has come to get away with this form of lifestyle and face the challenges of the life in a different manner.
The first premiere had 96 episodes. She is the sister of Ashok Awasthi “Simple living and high thinking” best suites on A >> Read More... . Amir Dalvi also known as Rudra has been her friend. Dr. VedThapar grabbed this role. Nupur Alankar alias Mrs. Anjali has been playing as his counterpart.They have two daughters and a son. Tarun Mehta Tarun Mehta is an Indian actor who is best known f >> Read More... has been in action as their son, Ishaan Awasti. Priya Marathe has been their daughter-in-law, Sneha Awasthi. Vasundra Kaul has been one of their daughters, Jyothi. Ankit Narang has been on duty as Vasundra’s Husband, Ashuthosh. Arshima Thapar has been their other girl, Anvita Ashwathi. She has married to Nishad Vaidhya.
Chandan Anand assumes the character as Raghav, the neighbor of Ashok Awasthi. Kanika Shivpuri is the mother of Raghav and Manasi Salvi is Mrs. Raghav. They have a son named Varun Bajpai. Sarang Patwarddan is representing Varun. There were also many guest roles being available in the entire edition of this serial. One among them is Shahil Raichand, who often makes special appearances. Lily Patel Lily Patel is an Indian actress and popular for he >> Read More... has been called to appear as the Chief Guest for the opening ceremony of a Café. She has named herself as Mrs. Sharmila. The First Edition of this production has been running for 30 minutes from the end of the month of November to 19th of March 2016 whereas the second edition has extended to 50 minutes per show including the commercial breaks. This version has completely different from any other television programs telecasted in the country..
Another version
Bhaage Re Mann is the paramount serial on the genre, Soap Opera, in the Indian Television history. This had the telecast by Zindagi TV Channel, a premiere Hindi Network based in Mumbai. Mitu created the story. Positive Thinkerz Network and Zindagi TV Productions had the joint production rights.
This serial had run for two terms efficaciously. The sequential retained the Season one’s tuneful leitmotif song ‘Khsushboo jaise fiazon mein.’ There was no changes in the second version. The running time had the extension from 30 minutes including the commercial breaks from the lead and title sponsors to one hour with the advertisements.
Karuna Pandey Karuna Pandey is an Indian actress. She hails from >> Read More... retained the role as Padmini in this period too. The entire drama had set to be circling around her. She happens to be a conservative prototype for the stretch of 39 years; she had knotted her to stereotype and societal civilizations. She knows the magic of making folks to engage. She had retained a kind temperament filled with compassion and adoration towards everything. After a point of time, she felt that the time had arrived to move away with this sort of routine and face the tests of life in a diverse manner.
The second edition had 27 episodes. Ashok Awasthi is her brother. Amir Dalvi alias Rudra is her friend. Dr. Ved Thapar Dr. Ved Thapar is one among the seasoned actors in >> Read More... took this role. Nupur Alankar Nupur Alankar is a known actress from many daily s >> Read More... also known as Mrs. Anjali had played his complement. They had a son and two daughters. Tarun Mehta acted as their male offshoot, Ishaan Awasti. Priya Marathe Priya Marathe is one of the popular Indian actress >> Read More... has the wife, Sneha Awasthi. Vasundra Kaul had casted as one of their daughters, Jyothi. Ankit Narang Ankit Narang is an Indian TV actor, was born on Ap >> Read More... had engaged himself as Ashuthosh, Vasundra’s Husband. Arshima Thapar Arshima Thapar known as Cady from Bade Achhe Lagte >> Read More... had the introduction as the other sibling, Anvita Ashwathi. Her husband’s play had Nishad Vaidhya. This version had many guest roles too. They had it available throughout the year. Shahil Raichand had the opportunity to be one among them. She had made special appearances often. The Guest Click to look into! >> Read More... of Honour for the opening ceremony of a Café had Lilly Patel. She had called as Mrs. Sharmila. It had to be noted that the Edition one of this broadcast had ran for a lesser time from the bottom of the November month to March 19, 2016 whereas the update two was extended to a larger extent along with the pause. This edition had uniqueness and had differed from other television programs telecasted in the nation.