This series is a crime fiction television series, which premiered on 5 September 2015 till April 10, 2016, and telecasted on &TV. The Timing of series is every Saturday and Sunday 10:00 PM. SharadKelkar and AhanaKumra are in the main lead. Some of the episodes are 60. The series is directed Rajesh and Govind Agrawal Govind Agarwal was born on June 20, 1972. He is an >> Read More... and produced by Abhimanyu Singh Contiloe Entertainment. The story is about a Delhi- based CBI team. Agent RaghavSinha (SharadKelkar) is the heart of the CBI team because he is intelligent and can solve any case fast than anyone else. His parents were genius; Father was psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, and he was highly inspired by his father that’s the reason behind his intellectual. When Raghav was about to 14-year-old. His father got murdered, and he is an eye witness, He is hunting his father’s killer since then.
Agent Trisha (Ahana Kumar) is the team’s leader. Her aim is to build up her career as a police officer, but her parents don’t support her goal and wanted her to get married to a good boy and settle down in life. Agent Bikram and Agent Rajbir are friends. Dr. Aarti works under CBI as the forensic scientist.; she discovers the things of the crime spots with her skills. Raghav, Trisha Rajbir and the rest work in the same team and solve cases; Raghav wants to find out the killer of his dad and his colleagues help him. Raghav receives a call from the unknown person, and he tells him that his father was murdered by his peer group. Solving Raghav’s dad mystery was a challenging task for the team. They make plans and strategies to solve the cases.
During that process, he finds the culprit, the Chief of CBI Dilip Singh Chauhan, who killed Raghav’s father. Now he will be ready to kill Raghav as well. When he was about to shoot Raghav, Bikram comes in between and dies on the spot. Raghav arrests him and knows the overall story; He did all these just because of an old rivalry. Now, Raghav is relieved and looks for a new assignment. While solving the case, he realises that the entire team helped him a lot, especially Trisha and will have a soft corner for her.
Trisha also feels the same for Raghav, and they both admit their love for each other. Agent Raghav is Indian crime fiction serial, which audience used to watch on the regular basis and liked by everyone. The first season ended on April 10, 2016, and the second Season will be telecast on October 2, 2016, with the same casting. The Other characters are Mahesh Manjrekar Mahesh Manjrekar is a renowned actor, director and >> Read More... , DeepaliPansare, Danish Pandor Danish Pandor was born on December 22, 1987. he ha >> Read More... and much more.