It is an animated television series produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It is premiered on Cartoon Network. It is created and produced by “Judd Winick”. This story is directed by “Frank Squillace”. The theme music composer is “Stewart Copeland”. The episode start with the opening theme song, “You Can’t Stop the Girl” composed by Stewart Copeland. The producer of the series is “Janet Dimon”. The story Juniper Lee has been inspired by The Simpsons The Simpsons is a funny, highly popular American s >> Read More... and The Buffy, the vampire slayer. The concept of the story is about a little girl who fights monsters with her magical powers, which is the spine to build.
The main characters of the story are, Juniper Lee who is the main hero and heroine of our story. She is the most tempered girl who lives in Orchid Bay City. Uneducated in the world of magic and mostly relies on the brute force with the advice of her grandmother and her happy dog. She is the Te Xuan Ze. Her grandmother “Jasmine Lee” is the previous Te Xuan Ze. She is considered the greatest ever that always stays calm and deliberate but becomes crude and tough in times of need. She assists Juniper when she is in serious trouble. Ray Ray Lee is the little brother to juniper. He doesn’t have any magical powers but can see through magical barrier. Monroe is an educated pug in the world of magic and assists each Te Xuan Ze for nearly the entire time.
Judy Irwin, Ophelia Ramirez and Roger Rad Cliffe are the friends of Juniper Lee. The series centres on the life of a preteen girl Juniper Lee. In the story, the city has many demons and monsters with both good and evil qualities. There exists a magical barrier named as “The Veil”, which separates both human and magical world. This Veil prevents a person from seeing the magic-related events. Juniper is the protector and keeper of the balance between human and magic worlds. She knows various kinds of magic and performs them to assist her as per the situation.
Because of her magical powers, there always existed an imbalance between her school work and social life, but still she manages to keep everything flowing. The story has a fair and light heartened take on the genre, often makes fun of everything and rarely seems to take itself seriously. This story is a hit and is nominated for an award in the year 2006.