Numb Chucks is a Canadian animated comedy television series written by Mark Steinberg and created by Phil LaFrance and Jaime LeClair. It aired on YTV in Canada on January 7, 2014. The series is radically about two feebleminded Woodchuck brothers Dilweed and Fungus who have seized the idea of using their tenuous kung-fu skills to keep safe all the citizens in Ding-a-Ling Springs and always do something stupid to ruin the day for their friends.
A late night TV advertorial changed the half-witted Woodchuck brother’s lives that are when they order a Woodchuck Morris Kung-fu video. Before that night the big-hearted brothers never had an impression of themselves as heroes. They now dodged it as their ultimate mission to become the greatest Kung-fu fighters of all time even to be better than their mentor Morris who is a former Ding-a-Ling Springs native.
His main aim is to spread the gospel of kung-fu and so under the guidance of Morris, that can be looked at as good intendment and not quite a good supervision, these brothers ride on a thrilling never ending voyage of adventure and danger. This show has some wit and humor for kids. The series has other supporting characters like Quills a happy, easy going, helpful purple porcupine, she loves the Numb Chucks brothers and supports their vision of kung-fu. Then there is Bufford G. butternut which is a lazy, jealous, irritating blue sheep. She lives with her grandmother that is Grandma Butternut. Grandma is a yellow sheep and is very generous; she also adores the helpful numb chucks.
Grandma Butternut is, however, fond of Hooves and often disturbs him. Hoof is a large nervous deer who went to high school with Woodchuck Morris which makes the numb chucks admire him unconditionally while he doesn’t enjoy the Chucks brothers and Grandma Butternut crashing his personal time. The series Numb Chucks stars well-known voice actors Terry mcGurrin (Dilweed Chuck), Cory Doran(fungus Chuck), Joris Jarsky (Woodchuck Morris).
Nine Story media group and jam filled entertainment in alliance with YTV are the producers of the series Numb Chucks. The series aired on YTV, Canada since 2014 until it soon started to air on Teletoon as well.Cartoon network announced the series as its part and to air it on the network. However, it was removed from the schedule. Currently, there is no information regarding the premiering of Numb Chucks in the US.
Many international Disney channels and Cartoon Network in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Israel have approached the series Numb Chucks. It also airs on Hungama channel in India. The Nine Story media groups and splash works also developed a Numb Chucks mobile game entitled Chuck-Fu. The game was released on March, 2015.