Pappu Pass Thai Gayo is an Indian drama that was released in 2016. It is a Gujarati language comedy drama that focuses on a Kukadia family. It is a Gujarati Natak (stage drama) that was released in the form of a telefilm. Pappu is an honest gentleman. He is married to Indu, a young and beautiful woman. The serial begins with the usual family banter that involves Pappu, Indu and Sumitra (Indu's mother). Indu lost her father at a young age, and thus, she decided to take her mother to her husband's house after marriage. Indu loves her mother and doesn't want her to be alone.
However, Pappu doesn't enjoy his mother-in-law's presence in his home. Due to Pappu's age difference and appearance, as he's dark-skinned, Sumitra always makes witty remarks about his experience. Indu isn't affected much about this because she loves Pappu for his honesty and truthfulness. Pappu and Sumitra often get into playful verbal fights to insult each other. During one such fight, Bakul enters the Kukadia home to tell them some good news. Bakul is Pappu's friendly neighbor and often jokingly refers to Indu as his friend. Bakul tells the Kukadia members that he has got an acting offer from Ekta Kapoor's Production House. Bakul is a handsome guy, and thus, Pappu dislikes his presence at his house.
The story escalates when Sumitra orders Pappu to get Indu pregnant. Indu and Pappu are married for seven years; however, they don't have a child together. This gets Sumitra concerned, looking at her daughter's aging husband. Sumitra questions Pappu's incapability to get Indu pregnant. Thus, Pappu decides to get his fertility checked by a doctor. Later, when he receives his report. Pappu is disheartened to learn that he is infertile. The twist arises when Indu tells Pappu that she is pregnant. Pappu doesn’t believe her and later suspects Indu for cheating on him with Bakul.
However, Pappu trusts his wife and decides to get to the cause of the pregnancy. Who got Indu pregnant? Watch the drama to find out. Watch Pappu Pass Thai Gayo on YouTube. Pappu Pass Thai Gayo is a comedy drama. It is an engaging and hilarious drama. It was written by Imtiaz Patel Imtiaz Patel is an Indian dialogue writer, directo >> Read More... and directed by Vipul Mehta Vipul Mehta is an Indian singer born on 28 July 19 >> Read More... . The lead cast of the drama includes Sanjay Goradia Sanjay Goradia is a renowned actor, director, prod >> Read More... , Chhaya Vora Chhaya Vora is a popular Gujarati theatre actress >> Read More... , Sneha Desai Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Sharad. It was produced by Sanjay Goradia, Nilesh Thakur, Rohit Chiplunkar, and Kaustubh Trivedi.