The Supernatural is a horror fantasy based series broadcasting on The CW Television Network. The network is an American broadcast television network operating by The CW network. The CW network is a limited liability joint venture between CBS Corporation and Warner Bros Entertainment. The channel “CW” is named by taking the first letters from the partners CBS and Warner Bros. The foundation for this network was laid on 24 January 2006. The CW channel started its broadcasting on 18 September 2006. The slogan for this network is dared to defy.
Supernatural series is created and produced by Eric Kripke, with the star cast like Jared Padalecki Jared Padalecki was born on July 19, 1982, in San >> Read More... , Jensen Ackles Jensen Ackles was born on 1st March 1978 in Texas’ >> Read More... , and Katie Cassidy Born in Los Angeles, Katie Cassidy is an American >> Read More... , etc. The series total schedule consists of 12 seasons and 243 episodes. Its first release was on 13 September 2005. Supernatural season 6 totally consists of 22 episodes. It is the sequel to the fifth season of Supernatural series and begins with Dean after leaving hunting profession and leading a usual life with Lisa Breaden and her son Ben. The main story starts when Sam strangely returns to Earth and unites with Dean leaving his new life behind.
Samuel wants to capture the Alpha monsters with the help of Sam. Sam discovers that Samuel is just following Crowley orders. Samuel is doing all this in exchange for the revival of his daughter. Crowley is in search of Purgatory with the help of Alpha Monsters. Purgatory is filled with the souls of vampires and werewolves etc. which are used to capture power. Meanwhile, Castiel makes a deal with Crowley to share the evil spirits in Purgatory. Dean doesn’t like the deal done by them and wants to stop them.
Death made Sam remember nothing about his past life but Castiel brings his memory back by making him overcome his mental barrier. Now with the help of Sam he wants to be the sole power but Crowley escapes as Castiel appears with full of power and destroy Raphael. Finally, Castiel reveals himself that he is not an angel anymore and becomes the new God. Supernatural series is a horror fantasy in which there are also a lot of moral values. The main moral of this series is to show the evil destroyed by the God and the emotional angle in the series. The emotional angle showed when fighting for our loved ones. Graphics work done by the team was awesome as it looks realistic to the viewers while watching.