North East Got Talent (NEGT) Season 3 is an Assamese multi-talent reality show aired on Rengoni Tv. The show was directed by filmmaker and actor Sanchita Talukdar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and was presented by Sanchita Production. NEGT features singers, dancers, magicians, jugglers, ventriloquists, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the prize money. The show allowed talented artists including unknown performers and amateurs from different parts of the state to showcase their talents. The series is a true celebration of the North East spirit.
Season 1 and season 2 of NGET were very successful and Sanchita Produced launched season 3. NEGT was judged by Brajen Bora, DR. Hitesh Baruah, and Sanchita Talukdar. This third season of NEGT was hosted by RJ Angshuman Lonishri. The grand finale aired on 11 March 2018; the winner was Priyanjali Das Bio coming soon... >> Read More... from Lumding, Assam. Tapashree DNM crew from Sikkim won first runners up and the second runner-up was won by Shubham Das from Guwahati.