Aparupa is a drama serial that aired on Rengoni TV and revolves around a young woman named Aparupa. Aparupa is portrayed as a beautiful, simple girl who is born and brought up in a middle-class family. Wealth has always been tight in their household and she knows how to appreciate the small things in life. As she grows up, she gets into a relationship with a man who belittles her for her wealth and class but appreciates her for her beauty.
The society is not so different and she decides to change her personality to show them that she can imbibe the modernity of a metropolitan life while staying true to her roots. When she gets married, she thinks that her husband would belittle her for her status in society but her fears are squashed as he turns out to be the most loveable person in her life. She gradually falls in love, but their married life is filled with several obstacles. How they face these obstacles and overcome them constitute the rest of the episodes.