Paristan is a Pakistani television serial aired on the Channel Hum TV in 2022. Paristan is a fun-filled drama with a brilliant cast. The famous couple Arslan Naseer Arslan Naseer is a Pakistani actor who debuted in >> Read More... and Aymen Saleem Aymen Saleem is a renowned Pakistani actress who a >> Read More... in the Chupke Chupke Serial play prominent roles in this serial. The stars of this drama have made it more interesting. The story revolves around a girl, Pernia, whose parents died when she was 4-5 years old, so she lives with her aunt, Haseena, and uncle, Saife Hassan Saife Hassan is a well-known Pakistani television >> Read More... , and a cousin, Ujala.
Pernis is a daydreamer as she always dreams of becoming rich and sparkling. Her neighbor, Kamali, is the best friend of Pernia, who is also funny like her. The family has a maid, Zubeida, whose mother tongue is Punjabi, and she does all house chores but cannot cook well, so all the cooking work is done by Ujala. She is a very kind and sweet person who loves Pernia like her own sister. Pernia's aunt, Haseena, is a big saver and is worried about the expenses on Pernia.