For one as young as Anandhi, she has already proved her mettle as a fine actress right from her very first film in Telugu. While she has gone on to act in several films after that, including those in Tamil, discerning moviegoers always try to co-relate with her acting in her debut film.“Bus Stop” was shot in 2012, when she...
Rittika Chakraborty, born on May 22, 2001, is an Indian actress and model, hailing from Kolkata. She became popular through her debut film, “Anantha” directed by Madhu Babu in 2023. Her role in the film “Rave Party” also caused her much attention. She also appeared in the movie “Khushi” and the web series, “Guntur Mirchi”. She is a person who...
Sudharshan is a Tamil Editor, and a majority of his work predominantly belongs to the Tamil films in the South Indian movie industry. He was born on May 29, 1989, in the state of Chennai in India. His Tamil language movies are often a collaboration involving people like R. Parthiepan. He made his debut project, Nagaraja Cholan MA, MLA in...
R K Suresh was born on May 19, 1980, in Chennai. He is a well-known film producer as well as an actor. He completed his Business Administration and worked in hotel industries, realtors, media, etc. His experience in the field of import and export as well as his previous exposure to media and entertainment especially film distribution, re-authoring cinema production,...
Vijit is an Indian actor who has worked predominantly in the Tamil film industry. He was born on the 27th of October in Chennai, India. He has worked in many Tamil movies. He debuted his acting career in the film “Raghavan” (2009), directed by Paranthaman. He considers Rajnikanth as his role model and a source of motivation in his life....
Gopi Krishna was an Indian actor, dancer, and choreographer, who was born on August 22nd,1935. Gopi took birth into a family full of Kathak dancers. Some of his family members include his aunty Sitara Devi, who was a popular Kathak dancer of her time and performed around the globe. Gopi’s maternal grandfather was a Kathak teacher named Pandit Sukhdev Maharaj....
Sudharshan M Kumar is an Indian Music Director, Singer, and Songwriter. He works in Tamil Film Industry. Sudharshan was born on the 29th of September in the year 1991. He is from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He graduated from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering in Pennalur, Tamil Nadu. He has his Studio set up in his house named MV Studios in...