Pinky Sarkar, better known by the name Meenakshi, is an Indian film actress who performed in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam movies. She became popular after her performance in her first Tamil movie i.e. Karuppusamykuththagaithaarar as in Raasathi. Born and brought up in Kolkata, West Bengal, she started her career in the film industry from the year 2006. She first appeared...
Meera Nandan also known as Meera Nandakumar is a Malayalam TV actress who mostly hosts television shows in Malayalam language and also appears and features in South Indian Movies including Malayalam movies. Meera Nandan was born as Meera Nandakumar on November 26, 1990, to parents Nandakumar and Maya in Kochi, Kerala, India. Meera did her schooling from Bhavan’s Vidya Mandir in...
Rafi is a very famous director and screenwriter in the Malayalam film industry. he was born in Kerela and completed his schooling from there. He started his career in 1992 with a close acquaintance Mecartin who was also a newbie. After his debut or rather their debut they both have been working together and now the duo is known in...
Pandiarajan is a comedian and has done many movies as a leading actor in Tamil Films. He is a multi-talented person and has directed many films and given music to many movies as a music director. He is a screenwriter as well. Pandiarajan was born on 2 October 1959 in Saidapet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, to Sulochana and Rathnam. He went...
Suresh Merlin is a still photographer, and people call him with love as Still Suresh. He is a very famous artist in his field, and he has ruled the industry for 40 years. Suresh Merlin has contributed chiefly to the Telugu industry, and little work is also based in the Bollywood industry. Suresh Merlin was the dedicated photographer for the...