Raveena Daha is a popular Indian Actress, who mainly works in the Tamil movie and television industry. She took birth on October 10th, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Daha started her acting career with the Tamil movie “Katha Solla Porom” alongside Motta Rajendran, which was directed by S Kalyan Kumar and produced by Relax Ads Production. Raveena also appeared with well-known...
Ronny Raphael is a famous Indian actor, predominantly working in the Tamil movie industry. Since his childhood, he has been interested in acting and wanted to pursue his career. After graduation, he approached Tamil movies and got a chance to work in popular movies like V1, Neerali. V1 was quite a hit in 2019 and loved by the audience. His...
Sachin Mani is a Kollywood actor, who started his cinema career with Chennaiyil Oru Naal. Sachin played the role of Karthik, the love interest of Parvathy in Chennaiyil Oru Naal. Shaheed Kader directs the film. Sachin was born on 29th March 1989. He studied at St. John's International Residential School in Chennai and completed his graduation in Loyola College in...
Ashvin Raja is an actor in the Tamil movie industry. He plays comedy roles and character roles. This multitalented star was born on 21st November 1989 in Choolaimedu, Chennai. He began his career in director Rajesh’s movie, ‘Boss Engira Bhaskaran’ (2010). His character of ‘Paalpandi’, son of the money lender from whom the lead borrows money, became a sensation and...