Riythvika Panneerselvam is a renowned actress in Tamil Nadu. She began working for the films in 2013. She had a debut with the film Paradesi (2013) and received huge limelight with the film Madaras (2014). After that, Riythvika came to Big Boss 2 (Tamil) as a contestant and won BB2 season 2. She started receiving massive approaches for working in...
Vikranth is an Indian actor in Kollywood. Being a relative (cousin) to superstar Vijay, his debut looked a bit promising. Unlike his cousin Vijay, Vikranth failed to make a mark in Kollywood as an actor. Every film that he had acted only pushed him into the black hole of ‘flop’ dom. However, his first release ‘Karka Kasadara’ in 2005 set...
Harish Uthaman has worked in Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu films. Born on 5th April 1982, Harish entered the film industry with the 2010 Tamil flick Thaa. Later he worked as villain in Paandiya Naadu, Gouravam and Meagamann. Harish initially worked in Paramount Airways in the cabin crew department. Later he got himself associated with British Airways. Then he had a brief...
Maria Jerald is an inspiration to the youth of India. He has achieved so much fame and glory at such a young age. He has made a name for himself in the cutthroat and competitive music industry in India. It is truly commendable! Maria Jerald was born in Tuticorin (Thoothukudi), India....
Anthony Daasan is an Indian singer, traditional Tamil folk musician, lyricist and an artist hailing from Reddiyarpalayam, Puducherry,Tamil Nadu. He currently lives in Chennai, India. He was born on 26th April 1977. He completed his education from the Government High School of Tanjore. Music is an associated and ever-lasting part of his life. He connected to music from a very...