Sam Xavier is an assistant director who predominantly works in the Mollywood entertainment industry. He particularly works in the Malayalam language films and TV series. He is popularly known for the film called Solo, released in 2017. The film was directed by Bejoy Nambiar and tells the story of four different people. Each story revolves around four different natural elements:...
Gopikrishna Varma is Born in Kazhikode in Kerela in year 1999. He is a child born with a disease called Down Syndrome. Many say that if someone is born with any disease, then they are god gifted child;Gopikrishna is another example of this saying. He loves Malayalam cinema since his childhood, and he mimics the artists, copies their dance steps,...
George Kora is an Indian Actor, Director and Screenwriter. He works centrally in the Malayalam industry. To the critics his 2015 released drama “Preeman” was the turning point for him. Preeman is a coming-of-age romantic comedy. He also wrote the screenplay for “Njandukalude Naattil Oridavela” which released in 2017. The genre of the film was comedy drama. He got more...