Indrajith Sukumaran is a prominent film actor, who predominantly works in the Malayalam film industry. He was born on February 20, 1980 in Trivandum, Kerala in India. Indrajith is the eldest son of the late Malayalam actor and producer, Sukumaran Nair and actress, Mallika Sukumaran. He got married to Poornima Mohan, an actress as well, on December 13, 2002 and...
M Jayachandran is an Indian musician, music composer, and singer; he works in Malayalam Film Industry. Jayachandran was born on 5th April 1971 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. His parents are Madhusudhanan Nair and Sukumari Amma. He took his Electrical Engineering degree from TKM College of Engineering. On 12th November 1995, he got married to Priya. At the age of 5, he...
Alby Antony is an Indian cinematographer. He was born on 1 January 1970. He was born in Ernakulam, Kerala. Alby has majorly worked in Mollywood. He went to St. Mary High School. His last film to hit the theatres was Kaanekkaane in 2021. His recent works include Chunkzz, and Sarvopari Palakkaran in 2017, Abhrahaminte Santhathikal, and Aanakallan in 2018....