What is the genre of "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Romance, Drama, Biography
Who directed "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Juho Kuosmanen
What is the duration of "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
1 Hour 32 Minutes
When was "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki" released?
Cast & Crew
Who is the supporting cast in "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Eero Milonoff, Jarkko Lahti, Oona Airola, Deogracias Masomi, Jarmo Kiuru, Joanna Haartti, John Bosco Jr, Joonas Saartamo, Mika Melender, Niklas Hyvarinen, Olli Maki, Pia Andersson, Raija Maki
Who composed the music for "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Joonas Haavisto, Laura Airola, Miika Snare
What is the plot of "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Plot revolves around Romance, Drama, Biography, etc.
Ratings & Reviews
What are the audience ratings for "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Who is the editor of "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Jussi Rautaniemi
Who wrote the dialogues for "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Juho Kuosmanen, Mikko Myllylahti
What is the name of the costume designer who worked on "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Sari Suominen
Who is the production designer of "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Kari Kankaanpaa
What is the name of the visual effects company that worked on "The Happiest Day In The Life Of Olli Maki"?
Jonas Lindfors, Fredrik Nord