Born in Berkeley, California, Kathleen Kennedy is an American movie producer, who co-established “Amblin Entertainment” with Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall. She has majored in telecommunications and films from the “San Diego State University”, and further during her final year, she took a job at a local San Diego television station, where her job dictated her to do several tasks...
Peter Jackson is a New Zealand based director, producer and screenwriter. He is well known for ‘The Lord of Rings Trilogy’ and ‘The Hobbit Trilogy’. He has directed, produced and has done screen writing for both the series. These series are based on the best-selling novels of the writer J.R.R. Tolkien....
Steven Spielberg is an American producer, director, and scriptwriter. He is one of the most honored and the most efficient filmmakers of Hollywood. He has given a new way of presentation and movies to the audience and is considered the most important person in the new age Hollywood movies. He is one of the members who founded the DreamWorks Studios....
As new era in Hollywood arises, famous animated characters gave colorful meanings of a story. This man made this happened and defied that being a voice talent could earn him a career. He’s the man behind the most iconic animated characters of all time that cannot be done by any actors. He can do more than hundreds of voices; he...
Jamie Bell was born on 14th March 1986 in England. He is a dancer and an actor. He took performing arts classes at Stagecoach Theatre Arts. He debuted in films playing the lead role in Billy Elliot in 2000. He went on to win a BAFTA for the Best Actor in a Leading Role for the character he played in...