Lane Edward Garrison was born in Dallas, Texas, on May 23, 1980. He is a well-known American actor, well known for his portrayal of David "Tweener" Apolskis in the series Prison Break. He had an appearance in the pilot episode of the El Rey network From Dusk till Dawn. In the 2013 television miniseries Bonnie & Clyde, he portrayed Buck...
Drew Van Acker is a well-known American actor and model. Drew is one of the renowned actors in America. He was born on the 2nd of April in the year 1986. Drew was born in New York but later grew up in Medford, New Jersey. Acker did his schooling at the Shawnee High School. He attended drama classes and did...
David Christopher "Dave" Sheridan is an American comedian, producer, writer, musician, and actor. He is best known to the audience as the Special Officer Doofy in the 2000 release Scary Movie (2000). He was born on 10 March 1969 in Newark, Delaware, The United States of America. She was an intern at Saturday Night Live through which he kick-started his...