Millie Bobby Brown is an actress and producer known primarily for the series Stranger Things. Stranger Things is a sci-fi web series that has been streaming on Netflix since 2016. In the series, the young actress is cast opposite Winona Ryder. Although she shot to fame with Stranger Things, she has earlier made appearances in television shows such as NCIS...
Adam Wingard is an acclaimed writer, director, and cinematographer of Hollywood. He is equally competent in editing movies. He is also a reputed horror filmmaker in America and has won many international awards for direction, screenplay, and even best movie....
Alexander Skarsgard is a Swedish-American actor. His full name is Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård. He is well known for his portrayal of a vampire named Eric Northman in True Blood, an HBO series. He is also known for the role of Brad Colbert in Generation Kill and another HBO series for the role of Meekus in Zoolander. Skarsgard was born...