Sukumar’s maiden production venture, “Kumari 21F” has the skilled cinematographer Rathnavelu. The super combination of Sukumar, Rockstar Devi Sri Prasad, and the camera magician R. Rathnavelu, who made the super hit movies “
”, “Jagadam” and “Nenokkadine” are teaming once again for “ Kumari 21F”.
The sources say that Rathnavelu has donned some magic on screen with the dazzling visuals in “Kumari 21F”. Rathanvelu is currently working in “
” too. All the movies done by Rathna have hit the box office stunningly. Especially the Prince charm
Mahesh Babu
appreciated the visuals of Rathnavelu in the recently launched “Kumari 21F” trailer. This guy has proven again that he could do magic on the silver screen.