Simon Navagattegama was born on 15 September 1940. He was a Sinhala novelist, Sinhala Radio playwright, scriptwriter, and artist. He is also known for his book Sansararanye Dhadayakkaraya (Stalker in the Wasteland of the Sansara) for its supernatural naturalism effected by Buddhist folk tales, Mahayana Buddhist theory, and Freudian and Jungian psychotherapy. K. K. Saman Kumara, a written attacker and writer in Sri Lanka, calls Simon the forerunner of supernatural naturalism in Sri Lanka and calls his written way a Buddhist Borgesian.
Saman Kumara titles Simon’s Publication as Buddhist Wisdom Publication, holding it as a different group that is distinctive to Sri Lanka. He contrasts Simon’s Literary try with the theoretical attempts of Erick Fromm, who attempted to combine Buddhism, Marxism, and Freudian psychotherapy. Malinda Seneviratne, who converted Simon’s book Sansararanyaye Dadayakkaraya (Stalker in the Wasteland of the Sansara) into English, says that it was a major written landmark and Simon is one of the top writers in Sinhala in the second half of the last century. Deepthi Kumara Gunarathna has spotted Stalker in the Wasteland of the Sansara as a novel that shows a postmodernism distinctive to Sri Lanka. K. K. Saman Kumara identifies Simon Navagaththegama as one of the writers he calls the Modernist Trinity in Sinhala Literature, Tennyson Perera & Ajith Thilakasena, among others.