K D Siripala is a renowned actor, writer, and make-up artist primarily working in the Sri Lankan film and television industry. He debuted in the Sinhala film industry as a make-up artist for Chandi Patavu, a Sinhala drama directed by Pathiraja LS Dayananda. The film starred Siraj Mahendra Wijeratne, Tharanga Sammani Costa, and Channa Jagath Perera and has released on 30 September 1983. For one of the most popular Sinhala Tv series, Kopi Kade Kopi Kade is a Sri Lankan serial in the Sinhala la >> Read More... , KD Siripala worked as a writer, make-up artist, and actor. The series premiered on 1 April 1987 and is running to date in Sinhala and English.
He wrote several episodes of the comedy-drama series, Kopi Kade, directed by many directors like Janaka Mahalpath Janaka Mahalpath is a director and writer. He work >> Read More... and Sumith Jayantha Dias. He played the role of Dingi Mahaththaya opposite Rathna Sumanapala Rathna Sumanapal is one the best Sinhala actress a >> Read More... , KA Piyakaru, Rodney Fraser, and many other Sinhala Tv stars. The latest project by KD Siripala with the co-stars Bandu Samarasinghe Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Dilani Abeywardena, and Freddie Silva Bio coming soon... >> Read More... is Pissu Puso. The action-comedy film has directed by Sunil Soma Peiris and Sudesh Wasantha Peiris Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and released on 2 May 2001.