Here are the celebrities born on 26th April 1919! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs
Lived For 85 Years
Deepak Jaitoi - (Writer)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 36
Aamir Tameem - (Actor)
Age Now 32
Abhijeet Singh - (Supporting Actor)
Age Now 37
Abhinay Khoparzi - (Cinematographer)
Lived For 26 Years
Actress Nadira - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 29
Actress Priyanka Singh - (Actress)
Age Now 41
Akhil Jaya Chand Acharya - (Singer)
Age Now 35
Anish Sood - (Music Producer)
Age Now 42
Anurag Sinha - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 73
Ayaz Memon - (Journalist)
Lived For 43 Years
Bashir Hossain - (Editor)
Age Now 75
Bhadran - (Director)
Age Now 72
Bhadran Matel - (Filmmaker)
Bhadran Mattel - (Director)
Age Now 34
Bhavik Bhojak - (Supporting Actor)
Age Now 39
Brendan Miller - (Actor)
Age Now 64
Chan On Ying - (TV-Actress)
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