Here are the celebrities born on 24th May 1928! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Basanta Choudhury
Age Now 97
Bipan Chandra - (Author)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 34
Abhirami Iyer - (Model)
Age Now 42
Adam Berry - (Producer)
Age Now 48
Akashaditya Lama - (Director)
Age Now 33
Amlan Das - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 35
Anbu Thasan - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 24
Andrea Kevichüsa - (Actress)
Age Now 44
Ankit Trivedi - (Cinematographer)
Age Now 39
Anubhav Srivastava - (Director)
Age Now 40
Baladitya - (Movie Actor)
Brittany Snow - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 56
Cedric Nicolas Troyan - (Director)
Age Now 50
Chaske Spencer - (Producer)
Age Now 25
Chinmai Chandranshuh - (Movie Actor)
Chinmay Chandraunshuh - (Supporting Actor)
Daisy David - (Photographer)
Age Now 28
Darsheel Safary - (Movie Actor)
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