Here are the celebrities born on 19th March 1904! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs
Age Now 121
J.K. Nanda - (Director)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Lived For 68 Years
A. Maruthakasi - (Poet)
Age Now 16
Aarna Sharma - (Child Artist)
Age Now 41
Abhishek SN - (Playback Singer)
Age Now 30
Akshy Mishra - (Actor)
Age Now 23
Alisha Deen - (Singer)
Age Now 35
Amir Ul Rameez - (Producer)
Age Now 43
Antonio Negret - (Director)
Age Now 33
Arshad Maula - (Lyricist)
Age Now 13
Baby Sridevi - (Child Artist)
Lived For 71 Years
Balakrishnan - (Writer)
Age Now 29
Bhumicka Singh - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 84
Bichu Thirumala - (Writer)
Age Now 26
Bindu Gowda - (Social Media Influencer)
Age Now 40
Brahmini Murala - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 39
Britto Michael - (Composer)
Age Now 87
Charlotte Huggins - (Producer)
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