Here are the celebrities born on 04th August 1944! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Sam Elliott, Salma Baig, Saira Banu
Age Now 80
Amjad Islam Amjad - (Writer)
Richard Belzer - (Comedian)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 33
Aakash Shrestha - (Actor)
Age Now 36
Abhishek Kapur - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 35
Abinesh Elangovan - (Producer)
Actor Shyam - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 47
Adhiroopan - (Director)
Anuraag Talpade - (Director)
Age Now 39
Arnab Dutta - (Singer)
Age Now 79
Arun Khopkar - (Director)
Age Now 32
Athiya Shetty - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 29
Bhasha Mukherjee - (Doctor)
Age Now 53
Corin Nemec - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 89
David Battley - (Actor)
Age Now 28
Deepali Rathore - (Actress)
Dennis Manjunath - (Director)
Lived For 53 Years
Dhiraj Bhattacharya - (Actor)
Divyadisha Mohanty - (TV-Actress)
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