Baatein Croron Ki is a popular Urdu game show premiered on Aaj Entertainment. The show is hosted by Azhar Ali Baig. In this quiz show, the host asks the audience various difficult questions that test their knowledge and intelligence. Those who answer the question correctly and quickly get a chance to win cash prizes. The main objective of the show is to test the knowledge of the audience. The host asks questions about general knowledge, current events, history, and culture. To win the cash prizes, the audience must answer the question correctly. This quiz has multiple levels. With each level and accurate answer, the cash prize increase. As the levels of the quiz increases, the questions get difficult and more challenging. The show also features celebrity guests like the newlywed couple Hina Altaf Hina Altaf started her professional life from VJ P >> Read More... and Agha Ali Agha Ali, also known as Abbas Agha Ali is a Pakist >> Read More... , who talk with other famous couples. They talk about various topics. Overall, it is an entertaining quiz show that tests participant’s knowledge and provides them with cash prizes.