Tere Mere Beech is a Pakistani family drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV. The plot revolves around an emotional story of a mother and a daughter. This story takes a painful turn that makes the viewers curious about the show. Hareem was adopted by her father at a young age and was living a happy and content life with him but soon he sadly passes away. After his sudden demise Hareem is forced to live with her poor biological mother. Her heart is filled with pain and hatred for her because she has not forgiven her for giving up on her and leaving her. To release her pain and minimize her suffering, she decides to make her mother’s life miserable. Will she ever find out the reason behind her mother’s decision? The cast includes Sanam Chaudhary, Noor Hassan Rizvi Noor Hassan Rizvi is one of the most accomplished >> Read More... , Aagha Ali, and many more.