Teray Pyar Mai is a Pakistani Television drama aired on Channel A Plus. This series was directed by Saima Waseem Saima Waseem is a Pakistani director. She was born >> Read More... and produced by Abdullah Kadwani Abdullah Kadwani is a Pakistani actor, producer, a >> Read More... and Asad Qureshi Asad Qureshi is a British-Pakistan origin filmmake >> Read More... under the production house 7th Sky Entertainment. Samra Bukhari wrote this series. The story is about a newly-wed couple, Haseena and Zaman, who cannot find alone time as Zaman’s mother, Sabira, always tries to keep him away from his wife. Haseena, who knows her mother-in-law’s tricks, competes with her. Due to this, Zaman becomes the primary attention of both the ladies as they refuse to separate him for a moment. This serial revolves around Zaman, who finds it hard to allow his time or attention to his wife and mother.