Star Player is a game show that premiered in August 2019 on BOL Network, the show was introduced by Pakistan Star. Star Player is a unique game show that challenges the contestant's guessing skills through which they can either win a massive sum of money or lose it in seconds. The show is hosted by Fahim Khan. In the beginning, a contestant from a humble background is made to guess which bag, out of the 26 displayed, has one crore. The bag chosen by the contestant is kept beside them, and the game begins. Now, the contestant has to select random bags out of the 25 left on display; the lesser denominations are revealed, the more money will be won by the contestant.
Involved in the game is a banker who proposes particular estimated money that the contestant might accept if they are unsure of their future winnings or continue with the guessing game. The contestant always has the option to exchange the one crore bag they had chosen at the start with another one on display if they aren't sure about having one crore in the bag kept beside them. The contestant wins one crore only if the bag beside them has one crore in it. Star Player is an exceptional game show that keeps the viewers hooked on the screen throughout the show. Celebrity guests are invited to the show to help the contestant to make better decisions. Maham Amir, Faizan Shaikh Muhammad Faizan Shaikh, also known as Faizan Shaik >> Read More... , Jawed Sheikh, Mathira, and Umair Jaswal Umair Jaswal is an actor, singer, songwriter, and >> Read More... were seen on the show, among others. Watch Star Player on BOL Network's YouTube Channel.