Pakistan Star is a popular reality show in Pakistan that aired on 5th June 2019 on BOL Network. This show grants a platform to the budding talents in Pakistan; singers, actors, mimicry artists, magicians, etc. From various regions of Pakistan are seen on the show. A panel of Judges that include Kubra Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Hamza Ali Abbasi, Jawed Sheikh, and Umair Jaswal Umair Jaswal is an actor, singer, songwriter, and >> Read More... decide who will be the next Pakistan Star based on the contestant's performances. Contestants for the show are chosen through a round of auditions. There are several rounds and criteria contestants should pass to win the title of Pakistan Star and the cash prize.
Pakistan Star has more than 150 episodes of a duration of 50 minutes per episode. Veena Malik hosted Pakistan Star. The show is an excellent source of entertainment as the viewers will see various exciting performances by the contestants. Pakistan Star is an exceptional platform through which contestants can present their talent to a mass audience while also receiving feedback from; the industry professional judges on the show. Watch Pakistan Star on BOL Network's website.