Pachtawa is a renowned family drama that revolves around a young woman who is under the pressure of her family to get married, which she is unwilling to be involved. Yet, a hasty decision can sometimes result in tragic consequences right? The same goes with Aeman, whereby her ignorance & hubris leads to divorce and ends her with humiliation. The intense storyline depicts how she overcomes the hardships of a failed marriage and resolves to live a healthy and independent life in society, regardless of how terrible the subsequent events are. The drama premiered on 22nd November 2013, and continues to show every Friday at 9:00 p.m. on the Ary Digital channel. The serial received a high TRP since the cast members were fresh-blood at the time, and their acting abilities captivated many viewers after 4 to 5 episodes.
The serial directed by Shaqelle Khan, a well-known director in the Pakistani Industry. It was written by Semma Ghazal, who is recognized for her best work in writing TV shows such as Dil e-Jaanam, Aashi, and other works. The drama ended on 11 April 2014 with 21 episodes wanting audiences for season 2. Mahnoor Baloch Mahnooris a very well known Pakistani actor. She i >> Read More... , as Aeman, is an independent and robust woman living up to expectation. However, the circumstances force her to get married at an early age to her distant cousin- Hashmin(Faisal), as marriage is a commitment of devotion & sacrifice. She resents the decision at the start which slowly damages her reputation and ends up divorcing. Now, has remarried a single dad known as Ghazali. Aijaz Aslam Aijaz Aslam, an actor by profession, was born on O >> Read More... , as Ghazali, who became a single father of two children after his first wife died from an accident.
Later, he marries Aeman( Mahnoor), which bitterly turned to be a failed marriage as well, leading to a divorce decision. Yet, he tries to balance his relationship with Aeman despite his family & society's negativity. Faisal Qureshi, is Hashim, Aeman’s cousin as well as the first husband. Because of his carefree and unloved attitude from his marriage with Aeman, he ended up alone. Nevertheless, he tries to get back to Aeman after realizing his mistake, but it's too late for that.