Norooz is a Pakistani drama serial that premiered on Hum T.V. on 13 July 2023, every Thursday at 8 p.m. This serial is directed and produced by Shehzad Kashmiri and written by Kashif Anwar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . Its director of content & digital is Qaiser Ali Qaiser Ali is a famous and very talented Pakistani >> Read More... , and NUQTA FILMS presented it in association with MULTIVERSE ENTERTAINMENT. This serial includes the cast of Manzar Sehbai Manzar Sehbai is a Pakistani actor who also had th >> Read More... , Mawra Hussain, Shamil Khan Shamil Khan was born on March 14, 1978, in Islamab >> Read More... , Mohsin Ejaz Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Rana Majid Rana Majid Khan is one of the finest actors in the >> Read More... , Mahnoor Shaukat, Saad Farukh, Mustafa Rizvi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Arsalan Khalid, Sultan SB, Alamdar Khan Alamdar Khan is a Pakistani actor, model, singer, >> Read More... , Sami Niazi, sanaya Khan, Khubaib, Areeba Tirmaizi and Nadia Ahmad.
This is the story of Rishtina, a young and cheerful woman who lives in a remote area in a mountain valley. She spent her first 20 years of life because she was hidden in the basement of the house by her overly protective father, Darvesh Khan, who also taught her how to fight so she could face the world. Additionally, there needs to be access to technology or the internet in the mountain valley region where they reside. Her father sent her to the city to protect her from the villagers. She meets a new friend named Heera, who teaches her about technology and social media platforms. As she learned about all technology and after that, a recent change awaited her. With the use of technology, she learned to monetize with her presence on many online platforms.Â
This serial has shown us the reality of technology and social media. In today's generation, people use social media as a part of their lives. It is a fact that in today's time, the reality of social media feeds on illusion and facade. This drama shows and reveals the impact of social media on human life, Identity consciousness, etc. People use social media as a filter to hide themselves behind it. If we remove it, then who are we and who are we?