Nehar is a new drama series on Hum TV starting 9th May 2022. This drama is about how girls face social issues due to their in-laws' greed for dowry. The Drama Story of Nehar is Written by Sofia Khurram and Directed by Chaudhry Ali Hassan. It features Abdul Rauf Bhutta, Munazzah Arif, Umer Iqbal, Tehmina Ali Khan, Shazia Gohar, Shafaat Ali, Saima Qureshi, Saboor Aly, and Rabia Noreen. The drama begins with a girl who dies in a hospital after being fed poison by her in-laws. Mazhar was her husband. Mazhar and her mother prepare to flee with the dowry they received at the wedding. Anmol is a cheerful and energetic girl who jumps up after passing her exams. Komal, Anmol's older sister, is a very mature and calm girl engaged to her cousin, Arsalan.
Adeel, Anmol's maternal cousin, is brought up in his household after his parents died when he was very young. Growing up together, Anmol and Adeel developed feelings for each other. Erum is Arsalan's younger sister, and she envies Anmol seeing Adeel's affection for her. Ghazala worries about her daughter, Komal, and insists her husband, Kabir, tell his sister about Komal and Arsalan's marriage. Arsalan is not in favor of Komal's marriage, and soon their marriage is annulled. The story goes on.