Meri Zindagi Hai Tu is a Pakistani drama series that aired in 2013-2014. It was written by Faiza Iftikhar Faiza Iftikhar is a Pakistani novelist, screenwrit >> Read More... and directed by Amin Iqbal Amin Iqbal is a television director, producer, and >> Read More... . The main characters are Nazo and Aman. It focuses on the life of Nazo, a young girl who faces various challenges in her life. After the death of her parents, Nazo takes on the responsibility of caring for herself and her niece Meenu. Her life changes when she meets Aman (played by Ahsan Khan Ahsan Khan is a Pakistani actor born on 9th Octobe >> Read More... ). She considers him her true love and gets married to her husband. With Aman's support, Nazo navigates through the complexities of domestic life. The show highlights Nazo's resilience and determination. The main cast includes Maya Ali Maya Ali is a Pakistani actress, model and a video >> Read More... , Ahsan Khan, Aiza Khan, Sheharyar Zaidi, Ismat Zaidi Ismat Zaidi is a famous Pakistani actress. She was >> Read More... , and Seemi Zia Pasha.