Manay Na Yeh Dil is a popular Pakistani serial in the Urdu language that premiered on 2nd September 2007 on Hum TV. The serial is centered around four individuals, namely, Sheheryer, Zainab, Rubab, Zainab, and Roshni. However, the story mainly revolves around the emotional conflicts of Sheheryer. The story begins with Zainab, an orphan who has been raised by an aunt and is in love with her aunt's son, Sheheryer, since childhood. However, Sheheryer married Rubab in an arranged marriage setting. Rubab, just like her name, was a selfish and greedy lady, the opposite of what Sheheryer imagined his wife to be. Rubab was evil to the point that she aborted Sheheryer and Her child; this was a breaking point for Sheheryer; he lost his mind and left his house to be found at a brothel.
Sheheryer used to visit the brothel quite often and had fallen in love with a prostitute, Roshni. Sheheryer's mother learned about Sheheryer's condition and manipulates him into marrying Zainab, hoping that he might forget about Roshni after being married to Zainab. However, Sheheryer couldn't forget Roshni and went back to her, breaking his mom and Zainab's heart. Later, Sheheryer found out that Roshni is already married and has a child, unaware of the fact that he is the father of that child. Manay Na Yeh Dil is Drama serial written by Samira Fazal and directed by Babar Jawad. The lead cast consists of Faysal Qureshi as Sheheryar, Nadia Hussain as Rubab, Deepti Gupta as Zainab, and Ayesha Khan as Roshni. Watch Manay Na Yeh Dil episodes on Dailymotion's website.