Main Aur Tum 2.0 is a Pakistani comedy serial that revolves around three friends who constantly get themselves into hilarious situations, trying to do a task and gloriously failing into doing said task which leads to outcomes which prove to be an absolute blast. The serial itself is a sequel to the original serial named ‘Main Aur Tum’ and starts with Faizan and Aadi getting deported to Karachi because of a bizarre mistake. They were living in Dubai, however, when Faizan slaughtered a camel not knowing the law of the state, they leave the country in a flurry of disastrous but comical circumstances. This incident leads both of them to reunite with their childhood friend named Ayaz who has returned from Canada and is currently residing at the house in which Faizan’s father had stayed decades ago.
The serial takes an even more comical turn when their neighbour, a young and gorgeous woman named Wardha Aziz, shows up to meet them. The serial contains the various escapades and adventures of the three friends which become even more comical and hilarious when Wardha joins them accidentally turning the jokes a bit more into sexual innuendos and puns which will leave the audience in fits of laughter.
The serial also encompasses friendly banter and discussions revolving around each of their lives and how they had been spending it and whether they have been missing the familiar grounds of Karachi which everyone agrees to. Overall, the serial is humorous, comical, and has much potential which will leave the audience laughing after a hard day. Absolutely worth a watch.